An Update on the Kentland Flood

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Kentland Flood 2020

Life is moving fast, but we wanted to slow down to give you an update.

Kentland: A Community with Heart

Boldly Moving Forward is not only a statement we embrace, it encompasses who we are at heart. Our lifestyle is one of progress and making a positive impact whenever possible!

The 50 year flood we encountered several weeks ago has been met with an overwhelmingly positive response: countless men, women and young people, banding together to make a difference in the life of our community! They’ve cleaned homes, neighborhoods and parks. They’ve hauled away debris and made sure their family and friends are cared for. We would venture to say that this tough time has brought out the best in our people!

Our public works, sanitation, police and fire department have labored day in and day out, pouring their time and energy into making sure those affected by the flood can rest safely at the end of the day. We thank them for everything they’ve done up to this point and will continue to do as the days march forward! We’ve even seen our high school students and Little Grid Iron football players rolling up their sleeves to clean these impact zones, and for this, we also extend our gratitude!

There are countless others who’ve volunteered at the Kentland Community Center and the Library, assisting residents complete their IN211 Form to begin the damage assessment process. We can’t express enough how amazing it’s been to see Kentland come together in such a powerful way.

Affected by the flood? See below.

The Damage Assessment Process: Applicants & Criteria

Over 250 damage assessment applications have been generated since the flood. Each application is being reviewed individually so as to not overlook a single file. Due to duplications in the system, this number was eventually lowered to 195.

There’s certain criteria established by the Small Business Administration that requires a minimum of 25 homes to be damaged in order to receive an SBA Declaration. These homes are compared to their assessed home value to assure the percent of damage is met. Renter’s value is calculated by their personal content and not by property value. Of the 195 homes, 43 were selected in relation to damages. All that applied are still going through this process.

Registering Your Information

Newton County EMA and the Town of Kentland are working with these 43 homeowners in the following week to upload photographs and additional information. A share file link has been created and will be sent to those contacted. We ask that you please have your photographs ready when contacted. We will make services available to assist with uploading if needed. If you have not yet registered at and submitted photos or videos indicating the extent of your damage, along with estimated amounts from contractors, do so as soon as possible!

The Indiana Volunteer Organizations Active during Disasters (VOAD) may also assist with funding opportunities and other resources.

We want to thank the offices of Indiana State Senator Rick Niemeyer, Indiana State Representative Sharon Negele and US Senator Mike Braun, which have offered the assistance needed to navigate this process and have been in consistent communication with us.

SBA Loan Assistance

Newton County was approved for disaster loans. The US Small Business Administration (SBA) can be reached at or call (800) 659-2955 and email [email protected] for assistance. It is important to fill out the application process for assistance. Please read this fact sheet. Program does allow for various options depending on your needs. SBA Disaster Loans are at a very low interest rate and often can combine both repairs and mitigative actions at the same LOW rate. They also can spread the payment period out to minimize the impact on the homeowner’s pocket book. Make sure you understand all options and ask for other available options that can best suit your needs.

Now if you are denied from SBA, a list of individuals will be sent to the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) and they have access to the State Disaster Relief Fund (SDRF). The funds available are from $500.00 to $10,000.00 dollars, depending on damages. A package will be sent as registered mail to you from IDHS and you must fill out that application. Once the application is returned to the IDHS, they will assist you in determining the assistance needed. Take this time to secure estimates from licensed contractors. Repairs completed or in process, you will need to keep all the invoices and documents.

It is as important as ever to ensure that you know the information sent is secured. Only send or call the SBA numbers listed in the press release or from the town and county information. Always use caution when going online or sharing information.

Want More Information on the Flood?

Check out our Kentland Flood 2020 Information Guide.

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300 N. 3rd St. Kentland, IN 47951

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