Kentland Graduate Spotlight

Meet Logan Fausset

My name is Logan Fausset and I graduated from South Newton High School in 2022. Since then, I have experienced many great things, and seen many places, but I still can call Kentland my home.

Upon graduating in June of 2022, I said goodbye to my part-time position with the Town of Kentland- Public Works Department, and said hello to my full-time position with the US Army in July. I attended the 12-week Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, where I was able to meet people from all over the country, including some from Guam and Puerto Rico. Upon completion, I then traveled to Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gordon, Georgia. After 24 weeks of schooling, I became certified as an Avionics and Survivability Equipment Repairer, which taught me the inner workings of night vision goggles, fiber optics, basic electricity, and many other electronic countermeasures found on various Army aircraft. Next up, I packed up and moved closer to home, to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, where I currently reside. Upon arrival at Fort Campbell, I attended a 6-week schooling to further hone my skills in land navigation, advanced firearms training, first response, and combat lifesaving, and hand-to-hand combat, as well as underwater emergency survival. After a long year of moving around the eastern United States and attending many different schools and learning new skills, I can finally stay in one location and put my education to use. I spend my time applying my knowledge to over 40 Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters.

Being from a small town, traveling across the country to many big cities with thousands of people right out of high school was a big culture change, but the personable skills that were taught to me helped me grow into the leader I have become today. Thanks to my teachers, employers, co-workers, and family that I have had in this town growing up, I can spread my personal and professional experiences and skills with more people than I ever thought I would. Despite not physically being back home in Kentland, I will always mentally be there. I know that if I ever needed anything, someone in Kentland would always be willing to help because that’s who we are as a community; neighborly helpers.

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300 N. 3rd St. Kentland, IN 47951

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