Kentland Flood 2020

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Register Your Information Today!

Register your information at Indiana 211. This will allow the Town of Kentland and Newton County to obtain a complete damage assessment and possibly assist in getting additional funding opportunities.

Kentland Flood 2020

If you do not have the capabilities or need assistance, you may go to the Kentland Library during normal business hours or the Kentland Community Center from the hours of 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This is not limited to only Kentland residents, anyone living within Newton County that experienced damage from the flooding in the county should register as well.

It is important to register at and take photos/videos marking water heights in the homes and damages, plus estimate amounts from contractors of damages. Then download the pictures and videos and save them as they will be needed later.

Once the damage assessment is near completion, Newton County will need to meet certain criteria.  This is the reason for timely entry of the damage assessment.  The County will then send the assessment to the State and in turn, file and start the process of needs declaration.  The Town and County have already started the process by having signed and filed the local emergency proclamation. As we enter in each stage and progress, we will be communicating through various methods listed below.

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Dumpsters are located at the Kentland Public Works Department at 204 E. Goss St.


Refrigerators, freezers, stoves and water heaters can be taken to the Newton County Highway Department (3553 S. 275 W. Morocco). Phone 888-663-9866 ext 5200 for questions. Please make sure all contents are emptied prior, but freon is not a concern.


Contractors doing work within the county should be licensed through the Newton County Building Department. Contractors will need to be licensed and for residents you may check with the Newton County Building Department at 888-663-9866 ext. 2100. A list of approved contractor will be placed on website.

Red Cross Assistance

Residents who are displaced from their homes or experiencing shelter needs due to the flooding in Newton County can call the Red Cross 24/7 at 1-888-684-1441. The Red Cross will provide services for those eligible for direct assistance and provide referral services for those affected to assist in connecting them to additional resources.


For More Information or Questions

Contact Town Hall at 219-474-5062 or Newton County EMA at 888-663-9866, Ext. 5300

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