Kentland Community Supporter: Sandy Dewing

Resident Highlight
We sat down with Kentland resident Sandy Dewing to talk about the benefits of living in our friendly small town, our great parks, and the importance of volunteering in one’s community! Read more below to learn more about Sandy.
Small Town Friendliness
I grew up in Sheldon, Illinois, and moved to Kentland 50 years ago, after marrying my husband. I’ve been a teacher for 30 years, some at Rensselaer, but mostly at South Newton. I have three children, two that still live in the Kentland area. One of my sons farms and works for the Town of Kentland, my other works in Westfield in technology, and my daughter is a teacher at South Newton. I have six perfect grandchildren. My husband and I enjoy camping, walking in the park, and talking with neighbors in town.
Kentland has this small town friendliness, and everyone feels like family. Every time you go out, you’re greeted by someone you know. It’s just a wonderful community of volunteers and people who are thoughtful and kind. My husband recently had a serious health issue– many people asked how he was doing and were a great support system for us during that time.

Kentland Parks and Recreation
I can’t wait to go play pickleball on our new court! The updates to our parks are also wonderful. I’ve met people from other towns that say they drove over here just to come to Kentland’s parks and the pool. The new fire station was also recently completed. I really believe that Kentland is a community that listens to and takes care of its people.
I like walking around the pond fountain at Cast Park and seeing people fishing. There’s somebody always walking or biking; that park is my favorite. Unless I have a grandkid playing softball, then I want to be at the ballpark. I love seeing people who come to watch just for fun– it always brings people together.

Extending a Helping Hand
I have volunteered to do landscaping in town with my friend, Beth Turnpaugh. We do the planting of flowers, the weeding, and the watering of about seven different locations in town. I’ve also been involved with making some blankets for hospitals and a couple other church groups that make different products for girls in Africa.
I’m passionate about serving because I get to make our community a better place. I have pride for my town and I want it to look nice. We’re all in it together!