Energizing Kentland: Laura Robbins

Task Force Highlight
My name is Laura Robbins. Many of you may know me as the South Newton High School Counselor or South Newton Volleyball coach. In my free time, I help serve this amazing community through Kentland’s Opportunity Zone Task Force!
Exciting Updates on the Horizon
While I do want to express my excitement about the Batton Park Revitalization Project, I first want to tell you a little more about my background. I’m actually not from Kentland, but some of my close family is. Growing up, it almost seemed monthly that we would make the trek west on US24 for a birthday party, random family get-together, holiday, sporting event, school function or simply to just get together.
More Energy, Excitement and Enthusiasm
My first memory of Batton Park was when I came to watch my cousin Casey play in a t-ball game. We parked at my aunt & uncle’s house and walked down to the park to watch the action. This memory stands out so vividly in my mind because as a young child, I was envious of what my cousin had access to in her own backyard! Now, years later, I have the luxury of having all of this in my backyard and am able to watch our kids experience that same joy together.
When I moved to Kentland 10 years ago, I never thought we would still be here. However, this town, community, school, jobs and the people here, have become home. They’ve become part of my family. I have two children & the parks are a staple in our life. If it’s not raining or freezing, we run, bike or stroller to one of the parks to play. The Batton Park Revitalization will only bring more energy, excitement, enthusiasm, play and most importantly, memories to our family & community.
This Revamp Requires Your Help!
This project has helped restore my faith in Kentland and in my decision to raise a family here. However, this amazing revamping cannot happen without your help, and there are so many ways to get involved! You can give online through Jasper Newton Foundation’s secure donation portal; mail your check to the Jasper Newton Foundation (301 N Van Rensselaer St, Rensselaer, IN 47978) or drop it off at the Kentland Town Hall.
Any donation to this project helps move it forward and your generosity is greatly appreciated!