Kentland Community Supporter

Kentland Community Supporter
My name is Alexxys Standish, and I’m from Kentland, Indiana. I’m graduating from South Newton and will be pursuing my degree in Exercise Science at IU in Bloomington. I love sports and all of the special people who have made my time here in Kentland so amazing.
Where I Grew Up
I’ve lived in Kentland for most of my life, though I was born in Joliet. My grandmother and parents lived there, but it wasn’t long before my parents decided to move back to Kentland because this is where they’re originally from.
I’ve been in the South Newton school system for the past 13 years of my life, and during this time I’ve been fortunate to get to know all of my peers and teachers. Honestly, it’s been a wonderful experience. I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else. I’ve been offered a lot of great opportunities and met a ton of amazing people that I’m happy to call friends and family.

People Who Made a Difference
A few names I have to mention: Chris Bell, Laura Robbins, and Casey Hall. Specifically, in relation to sports, they’ve helped me tremendously with my mindset. Just knowing that they’re there for me, especially throughout school, was just a big thing for me. They offer me a lot of opportunities and gave me advice that I was able to use throughout high school, which was really great.
Now that I’m graduating, I plan to go to IU in Bloomington. I’m going to major in exercise science. And then following that, I’m going to go to IUPUI for my graduate program. I’m going to become a doctor in physical therapy. It’s a seven-year process, which isn’t bad because I’ve already done 13.

My Life & Sports
Speaking of sports, I’m involved in four different kinds. I’ve been on varsity volleyball, basketball, softball, and track for all four years of high school. I was team captain for volleyball and for basketball, and when it came to softball, my coach considered me someone that she can go to when she needs something. For track, I really just did it because I liked the environment. Through these experiences, I grew in my love for the people and the games. And eventually, I got to participate with my sister, which was great. It motivated me to do better for them.
By far, my favorite sport– well, it’s honestly a tie between volleyball and softball. In both sports, I just love the community. I love everything that we did for volleyball (winning sectionals a couple of times was pretty great, too).

The Real Heart of Kentland
When you first come to Kentland, most people would think that it’s just a cornfield, a small town on the map instead of what it really is: a place full of great opportunities and great people. We all come together to make it what it is. In a lot of small communities, in order to make it work, you have to use teamwork. And I feel like a lot of us in the community come together to make it beautiful, and come together for the youth and adults. Together, we make Kentland what it is.
I also think it’s important to contribute to your community. This can be anything from picking up after yourself to volunteering for major town events. Just putting this extra bit of effort makes our small community better.

Great Times and a Great Future
One of my favorite community events to participate in was the Fun Bus. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of people out and about on the streets. At first, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out, but it brought me a ton of joy to see our town come together and participate in the fun.
When I want to get away and find some calm, I head over to the top of the hill at Cast Park. There you can see the entire park, surrounding homes, and an amazing sunset It’s such a beautiful place. Places like this give me hope for the future of this place. Many who pass through see it as a small agricultural town. I see my home, and my wish is for people to see it the way I do. I’m excited about Kentland’s future, and the role my generation plays in it. We’re bright and accepting, and want the world to know that we’re a community with amazing people.