Invest in Kentland:
Donate to Batton Park’s Revitalization Fund

Your Donation Makes a Difference in Kentland’s Future

The Kentland Opportunity Zone Task Force has partnered with the Jasper Newton Foundation to raise $50,000 toward renovating Batton Park. The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) will match this $50,000 for a total of $100,000. This will help us move forward toward our overall fundraising goal of $200,000!

The newly updated one acre park will include age-appropriate, state-of-the-art equipment and surfaces, as well as a walking path for additional exercise opportunities. It will serve Kentland families and friends, ranging from toddlers to seniors.

We will recognize donor generosity with each level of giving, from receiving Kentland-branded materials to having your name permanently embossed into the leaves of the park’s new donor tree. This metal-work structure will honor significant contributions for generations to come with Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Level leaves.

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How does this new playground enhance play in Kentland?

Appropriate Play

Play structures designed with multiple age levels in mind.

Inclusive Play Options

Elements accessible to all children have been included.

Eye-Catching Play

No other playground within 30 minutes has comparable play structures.

Creative Play

All age levels can play together while using their imagination.

Appropriate Play

Play structures designed with multiple age levels in mind.

Inclusive Play Options

Elements accessible to all children have been included.

Eye Catching Play

No other playground within 30 minutes has comparable play structures.

Creative Play

All age levels can play together while using their imagination.

Batton Park Features

Please note that these images are renderings. They are not a final product. Park features are liable to change.

  • ADA-Compliant Equipment

  • Central Gathering Pavilion

  • Tower with Multiple Levels

  • Roofs for Sun Protection

  • Sensory Equipment

  • Climbing Bars

  • Benches

  • Slides

  • Swings

Batton Park Features

Please note that these images are renderings. They are not a final product. Park features are liable to change.

  • ADA-Compliant Equipment

  • Central Gathering Pavilion

  • Tower with Multiple Levels

  • Roofs for Sun Protection

  • Sensory Equipment

  • Climbing Bars

  • Benches

  • Slides

  • Swings

How to Donate

There are two easy ways to donate. We’ve also provided a downloadable flyer that you can print out and pass on to your friends.

Donate Online

Give online through Jasper/Newton Foundation’s secure portal.

Mail a Check

Please note in the memo line ‘Batton Park Update’ and send it to the Jasper Newton Foundation: 301 N Van Rensselaer St, Rensselaer, IN 47978.

Download Flyer

This flyer contains all the information found on this page, making it simple to share with others who would love to donate.

Contact Information

Want to learn more about this revitalization fund? Contact John Cassidy, this project’s Opportunity Zone Task Force Lead.

John Cassidy

Opportunity Zone Task Force Lead

Go the Extra Mile With Us By Volunteering

We have a long and beautiful history of banding together to make amazing things happen.

Whether it was relocating the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, updating Blue Devil Lagoon, or hosting a large-scale community picnic, the earnest hearts within our volunteers have made the difference. In an effort to offset costs, we invite you to become a volunteer. This will be immeasurably helpful once we’re ready to officially update the equipment at Batton Park.

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